السبت، 26 يونيو 2021

تحليل البول كامل urine analysis

تحليل البول كامل
تحليل البول كامل  Urine Analysis  

يعد فحص وتحليل البول من أهم الفحوصات المطلوبة كثيرا والتى يجب أن يعرف الاخصائى كل شئ عنه وفى الاونة الاخيره  يستخدم الاخصائى شرائط الغمس على نطاق واسع فى فحص البول لسهولة وسرعة إجراء الاختبارات المختلفة لكن ينصح بتحضير محاليل الفحص الكيميائية لاستخدامها فى حالة تلف الشرائط أو للتاكد من دقة الاختبارات.

Molecular Biology Fifth Edition

Molecular Biology

Molecular Biology

Fifth Edition

Robert F. Weaver

University of Kansas

الخميس، 17 يونيو 2021

Quality Assurance in the Pathology Laboratory

 Quality Assurance in the Pathology Laboratory

Forensic, Technical, and Ethical Aspects

 Edited by Maciej J. Bogusz


Part I
Quality Assurance of Chemometric Methods and Pathology: Selected Topics

1 The Preanalytical Phase in Quality Assurance 

Giuseppe Lippi and Gian Cesare Guidi

2 Quality Assurance of Point-of-Care and On-Site Drug Testing 

James H. Nichols

3 Quality Assurance of Identification with Chromatographic–Mass Spectrometric Methods 

Maciej J. Bogusz

4 Quality Assurance of Quantification Using Chromatographic Methods with Linear Relation between Dose and Detector Response 

Georg Schmitt and Rolf Aderjan

Part II
Quality Assurance Aspects of Newly Emerging Methods in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

5 Pharmacogenomics, Personalized Medicine, and Personalized Justice Influencing the Quality and Practice of Forensic Science 

Steven H.Y. Wong

6 Quality Aspects in Autopsy versus Virtopsy  

Michael J. Thali and Stephan A. Bolliger

Part III
Accreditation, Standards, and Education: Their Role in Maintaining Quality

7 Role of Accreditation Procedures in Maintaining Quality 

Maciej J. Bogusz and Huda Hassan

8 Role of Governmental and Professional Organizations in Setting Quality Standards in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Related Areas 

Maciej J. Bogusz

9 Education and Training in the Changing Environment of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 

Gian Cesare Guidi and Giuseppe Lippi

10 Quality Assurance Aspects of Interpretation of Results in Clinical and Forensic Toxicology 

Katrin M. Kirschbaum and Frank Musshoff

book here

الأربعاء، 16 يونيو 2021

Bioanalytical chemistry - Mikkelsen & Corton

Bioanalytical chemistry - Mikkelsen & Corton

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY (Organ Function Tests, Laboratory Investigations and Inborn Metabolic Diseases)

CLINICAL CHEMISTRY (Organ Function Tests, Laboratory Investigations and Inborn Metabolic Diseases)


(Organ Function Tests, Laboratory Investigations and Inborn Metabolic Diseases)

Clinical Laboratory Science : The Basics and Routine Techniques

Clinical Laboratory Science

The Basics and Routine Techniques

الاثنين، 14 يونيو 2021