Showing posts with label HPLC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HPLC. Show all posts

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Explain : OpenLab CDS Software - HPLC

OpenLab CDS Software Tutorial Series


open lab hplc software

1-How to quickly set up optimized integration parameters in OpenLab CDS

2-Using QualA for OpenLab CDS

3-OpenLab CDS for ChemStation users - Submitting and managing runs

4-OpenLab CDS for ChemStation Users - Create a sequence

5-OpenLab CDS for ChemStation Users - Acquisition methods

6-OpenLab CDS for ChemStation Users - Control Panel

7-How to zoom in or out of a chromatogram in OpenLab CDS

8-How to view hidden layouts in OpenLab CDS

9-How to view a running sequence in OpenLab CDS

10-How to view run details in OpenLab CDS

11-How to use tokens in OpenLab CDS

12-How to add or remove tabbed windows in OpenLab CDS

Thursday, September 1, 2022

HPLC Software course "Introduction"

 بدأ دكتور عمر طارق الخبير المحترف فى تشغيل و التحكم فى اجهزة الفصل الكروماتوجرافى  شرح السوفت وير للجهاز HPLC

تحت عنوان HPLC Software course "Introduction" وذلك من خلال قناة على اليوتيوب 
وإليكم اول فيديوهات الكورس الرائع ونتمى ان يكمل باقى الفيديوهات الرائعة 
مقدمة الكورس